May’s first offering in the Year of Darkpaw is the herald camp dedicated to the demigod Drinal. Located in the Loping Plains, Drinal’s herald is a wolf-like creature that is seen casting a spell.

It’s rather tricky to pick out the details of the face from any angle apart from underneath the NPC.

From this angle you can see the pupiless eyes and the sharp canine like features.

The moon Drinal was named after the demigod with the rumour that when the moon is full, the werewolves change and go on a bloodthirsty hunt from dusk until the dawn.

Perfect to be named for the demigod of night, destruction and death.

Perhaps this is why the herald has chosen to set up camp in the Loping Plains.

Herald Merchant

As with all the previous camps, the herald is accompanied by merchant. Oshin of the Silver Reaper has all the usual merchant offerings. Including the altar travel unlock and the weapons all purchasable.

The Crescent Moon Blade of Drinal is a one handed weapon available in the camp and reflects the crescent moon shown in the symbol for Drinal.

Drinal’s Scythe of Ethernere is the second appearance weapon available from the camp merchant and is a two handed weapon. The top of the weapon is also a nod to the symbol of Drinal, the crescent moon.

Ethereal Merchant

The herald camp also has a new NPC near to Oshin. The NPC is called the Ethereal Merchant.

Looking at the wares he has on offer, it looks to be upgrades for the weapons purchased from the various herald camps.

The merchant offers adventurers the opportunity to upgrade their unique camp weapons to a new 5th rank.

Two Heralds will be setting up camp each month in 2024 to celebrate The Year Of Darkpaw. So far we’ve seen nine heralds and are anticipating the next one to arrive mid May.

To find out more about the Year of Darkpaw, the official news is here.

Check out our other Herald camp news starting here.